2022 Sermon Archive


Christmas Day: Undivided and Undiminished (December 25, 2022)

Christmas Eve: Particular and Universal (December 24, 2022)

Christmas Eve: Love and Glory (December 24, 2022)

Prayer: Presence (December 18, 2022)

Prayer: Expectations (December 11, 2022)

Prayer: Honesty (December 4, 2022)

Prayer: Transformation (November 27, 2022)

At the Center (November 20, 2022)

Funeral of Frederick Neske (November 18, 2022)

Good Judgement (November 13, 2022)

In Communion (November 6, 2022)

Witnessing Together to God’s Mercy (October 30, 2022)

Up and Down, You and Me (October 23, 2022)

Blessing in the Crisis (October 16, 2022)

Well and Whole (October 9, 2022)

It’s Faith, Jerry! (October 2, 2022)

Christ of the Chasms (September 25, 2022)

No sermon manuscript for week of September 18

Noise and Silence (September 11, 2022)

Past, Future, Present (September 10, 2022)

There and Here (September 4, 2022)

Nothing, but Everything (August 28, 2022)

Way Out of Narrowness (August 21, 2022)

Get Holy (August 14, 2022)

Drained Pools (August 13, 2022)

Faith over Fear (August 7, 2022)

Yachts, etc. (July 31, 2022)

Memorial Service for Carolyn Wilson (July 30, 2022)

Never Start a Conversation (July 24, 2022)

The Better Part (July 17, 2022)

Deep Story Time (July 10, 2022)

Invested Indifference (July 3, 2022)

Following and Leaving (June 26, 2022)

Affirm It Anyway (Confirmation of Matt and Alyssa Hammond) (June 19, 2022)

All One in Jesus (June 18, 2022)

Funeral of Kevin Aquino (June 16, 2022)

From Love, For Others (June 12, 2022)

Apophatic Identities (June 5, 2022)

Solved It (May 29, 2022)

Radical Healing (May 22, 2022)

By Our Love (May 15, 2022)

Don’t Know Much (May 8, 2022)

On the Way (May 1, 2022)

No Victimless Ressurection (April 24, 2022)

The One Who Lives (April 17, 2022)

Irreversible (April 14, 2022)

Theological Tools: Theology of the Cross (April 10, 2022)

Theological Tools: Sinner and Saint (April 3, 2022)

Theological Tools: Freedom (March 27, 2022)

Theological Tools: Vocation (March 20, 2022)

Theological Tools: Law and Gospel (March 13, 2022)

Theological Tools: Justification (March 6, 2022)

Non-Passionate Perspective (January 2, 2022)